Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Good Stuff About the Pool

Yes, I've gone back to the pool, with several more times planned for this week.

The fins I bought were way too long. I bought them at the third place I went to and by that time, I was giving up hope. At the pool yesterday, I spoke to an elderly gentleman who was wearing much smaller fins and he told me where to go to buy them. I had to travel to the far reaches of the city to get them--I'm hoping they work out better.

Here's what I like about the pool: people look real. So many people avoid going to the gym because they don't look like ads for Lululemon. You know what I mean: lean, mean biking/yoga/fitness machines without an ounce of untoward fat on them. Fortunately, these are not the people at the municipal pool. They're all ages, with a significant number of older people. I go around noon; most people with regular day jobs can't get to the pool at lunch so I'm not seeing the gym warriors. They're probably at their fitness clubs at 5:30 p.m. after work. More power to them, but I like the floppy, sometimes flabby, real people at the pool.

...cause I'm real too.


  1. The lean mean biking people are real too.

  2. Kimberley,

    Yes, you're right. They're just sort of everyone's idols instead of regular imperfect folks like yours truly!

  3. I can honestly say the lean and mean are not my idols. Most of the people I admire these days have lost tons of weight and have the skin to prove it, they will never be lean and mean...but they can get the job done!

    Not to mention those who have obstacles and still get it done like you do Wendy.

    Did I ever tell you what gets me in the pool? I figure once I take my glasses off, I can't see anyone so they can't see me either. LOL!
