I have maintained the same weight for the past six weeks. Through thick and thin, worry and calm, my weight has not budged. I'm trying to get a handle on how this makes me feel.
I'd like to lose 25 pounds. For my friends out in the blogosphere, this may sound like a trivial amount. For me, it's a mountain. It represents close to 20% of my current weight. Currently, my BMI is 27.8. I started at 29.7 and want to reach 22.6, which is definitely far from model skinny.
I am really, really trying hard to change my feelings, rather than what or how much I eat. I hope that my red-leather boots post of a few days ago will be significant in helping me to shift my attitude and ultimately help me, however slowly, to lose that weight.
On Friday, my husband and I went out for supper with some friends. We then stopped by a wonderful pastry shop at the corner of our street to pick up some dessert to take back and eat at our house. My husband and friends chose their dessert...and so did I: a piece of chocolate mousse cake. We got home, put on a nice pot of coffee and sat down with our desserts. I ate about a third of my piece of cake and put the rest aside. Tonight (Sunday), my husband and I split what was left. I admit, I wasn't terribly hungry when we had it, but I wasn't stuffed to the gills either, having finished supper about 1/2 hour before. This story may not represent the kind of action that will help me to lose the next pesky pound, but I think it's a great example of psychologically healthy eating.
And here's another example of what I would term psychologically healthy eating. On Friday night, when the four of us returned back to the house and opened the box of pastries we'd bought, we discovered that they had put an extra piece of pie and two cookies in the box. Since our older son was at home, we asked him if he wanted something. His response? No thanks. He'd already had some sweets that day at school and that was enough for him.
Contrary to actively discouraging my children from eating sweets as my mother did with me, I am trying to be low-key with them. We often have a box of cookies in the house and the boys both adore ice cream, so they regularly have some type of dessert after supper, but I neither encourage nor discourage their eating dessert. And whaddaya know? Sometimes they really want to eat sweets, sometimes they don't and sometimes they eat their dessert an hour or two after supper. Their behaviour makes me really happy. Perhaps they are teaching me.
The Banality of MAGA
1 day ago
Congrats on the attitude change. It all starts in our mind. It doesn't matter how much or little we have to lose, if it bothers you then it is an issue. I have a friend who is tiny by my standards but she frets over 10 lbs all the time. She is beautiful but she just doesn't see it. I'm glad you can see your beauty. Thanks for coming by and leaving such an encouraging comment.