Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I've got some thoughts that have been roiling around in my brain, but I just don't have time to put them down in a coherent, well-thought out fashion.

So, in the meantime, I hope this walrus inspires you:


  1. Yep. A little treat after every set, and applause from an easily-impressed crowd just might encourage me to do a sit up or two.

    Had my pre-dawn walk with best-girlfriend-on-the-planet today (YAY! she came to visit me!), watched the sun rise, danced past chickens and ducks while singing "Surry with the Fringe On Top" from Oklahoma (I think the ducks liked our rendition, the chickens not so much), home again to spend the day in my other exercise needed, here, thank you very much! :)

    Hope some sun shine will come your way ASAP! Take care dear cyber friend. :)

  2. This was so cute!!! The walrus looks like s/he is having a fun time.

    I also saw myself in there a few times...some days that is how I am rolling around after yoga.

  3. "...I just don't have time to put them down in a coherent, well-thought out fashion."

    If I waited for coherence, I would probably never blog. :)
